
As part of the city’s Neighborhood Council Initiative Program, the Bureau of Street Services (BSS) works with neighborhood councils twice per year, to dispatch two workers and a small truck to do minor asphalt repairs on potholes and pop outs, and patch eroded or cracked areas. PICO Neighborhood Council (which includes 11 neighborhoods) is invited to prioritize its 15 most urgent requests for the next “pothole blitz” scheduled for December 17 (time permitting, the team may be able to repair more).

In order to compile the list and set priorities, we need your help! Please send addresses (specific street addresses, please) and a brief description of the problem (pothole, pop-out, crack or erosion) to info@piconc.com by Friday, November 20, 2015. A picture would be helpful, if you can provide one.

And, outside these ‘pothole blitzes’ you can always make service requests at http://bss.lacity.org/request.htm for issues such as pothole or street repairs; street needs resurfacing; tree needs trimming; fallen tree, branches, or palm fronds; alley needs cleaning; street needs sweeping; object/debris in street; leaf blower violation; broken or damaged sidewalks; sidewalk obstruction; problem with/on median; downed palm fronds; and permits for tree pruning, tree removal, root pruning and stump removal. Large requests (such as the major overhaul or resurfacing of alleys) are best addressed to our city council office representatives, who can help prioritize and seek funding for more major repairs. The phone number for District 10 is 323-733-8233 and District 5 is 323-866-1828.

Sylvia Schweri

CHAPS Neighborhood Association representative
Outreach Committee co-chair


Got Potholes?