SAVE THE DATE: SATURDAY, MARCH 12 – Elections for Picfair Village Community Association Board


Hello Neighbors!! Concerned about traffic running stop signs? Worried about runaway development on your block? Want to stop crime in your neighborhood before it happens? Join your Picfair Village Community Association (PVCA)–together we can effect change. How?

PVCA will hold ELECTIONS Saturday, MARCH 12 and we are looking for interested Residents, Renters, Business Owners and Property Owners to fill all Board Positions. This is your chance to make a positive difference in our community.


TUESDAY. MARCH 1st –Attend Townhall Meeting where all Picfair Village Candidates will introduce themselves and their platform. There will be Q & A following. If you’re unsure about declaring Candidacy, come and hear more. Deadline for declaring Candidacy will be March 8. Location to be determined.

SATURDAY, MARCH 12 – ELECTIONS at PVCA General Meeting 10:00 am-12pm @ SGI Friendship Center, 5899 Venice Blvd.

CONTACT: ROXANN SMITH if interested in Running for office.
Go to for duties of officers.

Please Note: These elections are for our neighborhood Picfair Village (bordered by Pico on the north, Fairfax on the west, Hauser on the east and Venice on the south). PICO NC (the city neighborhood council) is also having elections which is a separate organization.

Executive Board Meeting Agenda Monday January 25 @ 7pm. All are welcome!

Picfair Village Community Association Executive Board Meeting this Monday, 1/25/2016 @ 7pm

Picfair Village Community Association
Board of Directors
Date – January 25, 2016

Meeting time: 7:00PM
Location – 1615 Carmona Ave. Bring a sweater and a chair as it will be outside if it’s over 12 people.


1. Reimbursement – Monique (paper, etc.) for special General meeting – January 9, 2016
2. Election/nomination process/nomination committee issue
3. President removal petition
4. Announcements
5. Adjournment

Picfair Village Community Association Meeting Agenda: Saturday January 9th 2016 @ 10am

Happy New Year Picfair Village! Come rain or come shine we will have our first meeting of the year this Saturday. Below is the agenda for the meeting Saturday January 9th @ 10am. An explanation of the ICO and BMO will be given by a member
of LA Planning followed by a Vote from Stakeholders in Picfair Village to Support or Oppose ICO in Picfair Village

Don’t miss this very important meeting.

Picfairagenda 192016