Due to COVID-19, Neighborhood Council elections will be online.
P.I.C.O. NC ELECTION DAY: March 16, 2021
In order to vote this year, you will need to APPLY FOR A BALLET. You will NOT be able to vote without this ballot.
You will be voting for candidates to sit on the Board as an At-Large Representative. This position isn’t specific to any the of P.I.C.O. NC neighborhoods, but rather all neighborhoods. The Representative has voting rights as a Board member which means they can shape policy in our area. Do your homework and find out more about the Candidates and who you feel would best represent you.
AT LARGE Representative Candidates: https://clerk.lacity.org/sites/g/files/wph606/f/PICO_certified_list_1_15_2021.pdf
Application for ballot: https://clerk.lacity.org/elections/neighborhood-council-elections/vote-by-mail-application
Information about getting ballot: https://clerk.lacity.org/sites/g/files/wph606/f/2021_NC_VBM_FAQ.pdf
Information about Elections: https://clerk.lacity.org/elections/neighborhood-council-election