PVNA Minutes: July 8

July 8, 2019
Picfair Village Neighborhood Association General Meeting

Kickoff – Michael Plante led introductions of the board members and attendees

Public Comments:
– 1541 S Genessee – there was a tragic incident where the former owner of the home passed away and the body was not discovered right away. Workers have been at the home removing items from inside and began opening up/tearing down walls and ceiling tiles. Concern was expressed that this has caused a rash of insects – termites, fleas etc to be released into the neighborhood causing potential harm to the neighboring homes.
– There were suggestions for neighbors/residents to call 311 and direct concerns to Dept of Building and Safety.
– With the recent earthquakes in Southern California there was a recommendation urging neighbors to make sure they have gas stop valves installed which will automatically shut off gas flow in the event of an earthquake reducing risk of fires caused by broken gas lines.
– There was a callout that homes that have been earthquake retrofit should have the gas stop valves installed as part of the retrofit.
– There was a request to have the neighborhood association meetings on weekends instead of weeknights.
– A recommendation was made if any of the neighbors are having problems with mosquitoes to contact the Los Angeles County Vector Control District (“Mosquito Vector”) at 323-342-5010. They will send someone out to assess where the mosquitos are coming from and help with the abatement.

Update on Disaster Preparedness – RYLAN:
– John and Jillian from the Los Angeles Department of Emergency Management (LAEMD) gave background and explanation of what they do and services they provide to the city of LA residents. Community preparedness is one of their key missions – helping communities and neighborhoods get prepared for earthquakes, natural disasters.
RYLAN program – ‘Ready Your LA Neighborhood’ – program outreach to LA neighborhoods to help organize community involvement in getting neighbors trained and prepared in the event of an emergency
– There was an update on the May 19th meeting where neighbors representing blocks on Curson, Orange Grove and Sierra Bonita met and went through an initial program training. Parts of the training focused on identifying a designated meeting place, care center, assessing and recording skills of individuals involved to help with various needs and putting together a neighborhood contact list.
– Call to get all of Picfair Village involved in this program. It helps build community and with the likelihood of larger earthquakes, it is imperative that we have community/neighbor support to assist others.
– Question was raised that in the case of a disaster and residents are displaced from their homes, where would they go. The Parks & Recreation Dept will help set up shelters that will be communicated via local media – KNX1070 radio station, etc.
– LA has 13000 police + fire dept members. In the event of an emergency, they will be stretched thin.
– If the city cannot meet the resource needs following a disaster, the escalation channel is to LA County, then to the State, and finally to FEMA.
– There was a mention that Picfair Village and Faircrest Heights have SGI, Claude Pepper Center and LACES that could be possible resource centers.

***If you’d like to get your block prepared for the next natural disaster, the LAEMD will provide all of the information and resources necessary — we just need to get our neighbors on our individual blocks together. The EMD can then come out to our neighborhood and run through the RYLAN program, which takes about 90 minutes. Please contact the PVNA at info@picfairvillage.com for more information.***

Liz Carlin – Picfair Village’s representative from City Council President Wesson’s office gave a recap of the various pride events from last month (June) which is LGBTQ pride month. Attendance was high and there was a lot of momentum to keep this growing in future years.

Treasury update from Valerie Woodson:
– As of June 30, 2019, PVNA has $969.14

Update on the PVNA board:
– As of July, Michael Plante (president), Andrew Schulman (vice-president) and Michael Osowski (secretary) are stepping down from their posts on the board.
– There has been no one to date that has been identified as possible replacement candidates.
– Based on the above, the neighborhood association will essentially be on hold/hiatus until people come forward to fill the open board positions.

Meeting adjourned.

PVNA Minutes: Apr 8

April 8, 2019
Picfair Village Neighborhood Association General Meeting

Kick-off by PVNA president, Michael Plante

Public Comments:

  • Chris Burton – Informed and urged us to attend:  CAT, Community + Art + Talk, an event presented by Art Active and Pico NC.  May 11th, 11am-2pm.  A collaborate art project/experience followed by a professionally led discussion on inclusion and belonging during this time of deepening tribalism.
  • Chris also shared that he hosts “Mindfulness Mondays” on Mondays from 7-7:30PM at Brainworks – 5364 W Pico Blvd.
  • Hydee Feldstein discussed state senate bills 4 and 50:
  • SB50 – results in zero zoning rules within ½ mile of a transit stop or ‘jobs rich area”, does not define bus corridors.  Jobs-rich area definition is vague.
  • Opposition is due by April 17
  • Meeting regarding this on April 30 – 7:30 pm at Temple Beth Am Synagogue – 1039 S La Cienega Blvd.

Update from Treasurer – Valerie Woodson

  • As of March 31, 2019, PVNA has funds of $969.14.
  • Mentioned that some of this money would be used for updating meeting notice signs.

Parking:  resident concerns

  • Concern voiced over gardening/landscaping business company trucks parking on 1500 block of Curson.  Have been up to 6 trucks parked.  Legality of this parking?  Noticed that the business logo/phone # info on sides of trucks have been covered up while parked.
  • Advised that Western Parking Enforcement can mark the business trucks.
  • Question on 1800 block of Genesee getting preferential parking – heavy traffic from 18th and Fairfax, DOT survey?
  • Concern on camper parking along Venice.
  • Liz Carlin – deputy for Herb Wesson’s office answered some questions:
  • Regarding campers/vans – it is legal to live in these vehicles based on the homelessness issue in LA.  They have to obey posted street signs.
  • In order to change parking rules, 75% of the residents of the block(s) affected need to approve.  The 75% do not need to be owners, just residents.   If owner lives off-site, their tenant would be the signature needed.
  • For permit parking to be adopted, need to be in 6 block or more segments.
  • Average of 3 year wait for preferential/permit parking applications.  This process requires gathering signatures.
  • Apartment residents (renters) and single family home owners can buy parking permits for the preferential parking blocks they live on.
  • Question on whether an existing preferential parking area could be expanded and if that would speed the application process – example of 1400 block.
  • A neighbor who could not attend the meeting had a general comment that permit parking is not good.  No elaboration given.
  • Concern voiced over RV explosion near the Kaiser Permanente (outside of Picfair Village) and safety of these vehicles.
  • There are new signs posted by the DOT on parts of Venice stating no vehicles over 22 feet allowed to park.
  • Concern raised about residents walking dogs off-leash.   Response that one can call Animal Services or LAPD
  • Animal Services does not provide free signs regarding municipal codes regarding leash laws.
  • Concern was raised about large construction projects and if these could be better communicated to neighbors in advance.  “Respectful Neighborship”
  • Call out that there is still a 30% tax credit to install solar.
  • Question on if there was any update regarding adding a stop sign at the corner of Ellsmere and Saturn.  A neighbor from previous meeting had asked how to go about requesting one from the city.  No update.
  • Concern raised over a notice of more homeless people in the area.
  • Question on measure HHH and how are those funds being directed to help the homelessness issue.  Bridge housing projects?
  • Recommendation that neighbors reach out to their government representatives demanding they address the homelessness problem.
  • Concern raised over Air BnB’s  / VRBO’s in the neighborhood.
  • ADU’s (accessory dwelling unit) cannot be used for Air BnB’s or VRBO’s.

Events coming up:

  • Lookin’ Good – Feelin’ Better, pop-up clinic Saturday April 13th 11am-3pm 3717 S La Brea. (Free STI/HIV testing and outreach)
  • Taste of Soul Family Festival – $500 Taste of Soul scholarships – Bakewell Media’s Taste of Soul is awarding $20-$500 scholarships to select high school students.    If interested, please apply at tasteofsoul.org/scholarship
  • St Elmo Village – 50th anniversary celebration, May 25 & 26th (memorial day weekend), 4830 St Elmo Drive.

Reminder to attend the update from CERT on disaster preparedness.  Meeting on April 27th at 9:30am.  Location to be announced. 

Call to bring neighbors and increase turnout and involvement in future PVNA meetings.


Meeting adjourned.