Hello Picfair Village Neighbors!

As your board for the Picfair Village Neighborhood Association, we have decided to take a brief survey of your thoughts on a few items that we will be discussing at next week’s meeting. (Monday February 10th, from 6-7:30). This will only take a minute or two of your day and we would really appreciate your time and resulting comments. 

Our Council District 10 Field Representative for city council member Heather Hutt, Mayra Guevara, has notified us that there will be a tree trimming and storm drain cleaning day done in our neighborhood. While all the major through streets will likely be covered, they are also seeking any other trees or storm drains that need special attention. Please let us know so we can be sure these are included in the clean-up – addresses or cross-streets are very helpful! This is your chance to get those problems fixed by the city at no cost.

1. Are there any trees on your property (or on your block) that are safety hazards in any way like precarious limbs about to fall, limb growth over the street, or over power lines or any that that may damage cars either parked or traveling in heavy wind?

2. Are there any storm drains on your block (or in other areas of the neighborhood that you’ve noticed) that overflow and flood the block or need grates or other repairs?

While we are taking this opportunity to hear from you, this is also an excellent chance to get your other thoughts on what you may want done in the Neighborhood and this might include city repairs, traffic, potholes, street lights, parking or any other issues we can discus with CD 10 and the City.

Lastly, can you take another moment to share with us the three most important issues or concerns you may have about our neighborhood that you would like to bring up? We’re not promising that we can tackle them all, but we can get to work to try to get your important concerns addressed.

We are dedicated to helping our residents get greater attention from the community and the City and we need your help! Considering join the Board or a Committee, or just send us your observations and ideas to make Neighborhood.

Please reply to this email or email us directly at picfairvillageinfo@gmail.com.

With great thanks and best wishes,

Joe L Carrabba Jr


Picfair Village Neighborhood Association


Important information from the Picfair Village Neighborhood Association