PLEASE NOTE WE ARE ALTERNATING BETWEEN SATURDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS FOR OUR MEETINGS! SGI USA Friendship Center, 5899 Venice Blvd, 90019. Wednesday, September 21, 7pm Saturday, November 12, 10am Wednesday, January 18, 7pm Saturday, March 11, 10am {ANNUAL MEETING/ELECTIONS}
Baseline Mansionization and Hillside Ordinance – UPDATE
Vote for your P.I.C.O. Neighborhood Council Board. Or better yet, run for a seat!
MANSIONIZATION: PICO NC Update, and Ways YOU can be Involved with the Baseline Mansionization Ordinance Amendment process
Dear PICO Neighborhood Council Stakeholders, As you may know, mansionization is a hot button issue in Los Angeles, and the city is currently engaged in a process to amend the failed 2008 Baseline Mansionization Ordinance (BMO). Responding to Councilmember Koretz’s
Motion to City Council from Herb Wesson for an ICO in Picfair Village!
City Councilman, Herb Wesson presented a motion today at City Council requesting the Planning Department prepare an ICO for Picfair Village.
Call for Block Captains and Meeting Sign Volunteers
Dear Picfair Village Stakeholders: We recently purchased 50 meeting signs for our bi-monthly meetings. We are looking for people to put out the signs a week prior to meetings and also be block captains. What a block captain would do is
New Interim Control Ordinances (ICO) – More info
Vons Remodel Update
Mansionization Not Supported by Picfair Village Community Association
In an official vote at the July 11th, 2015 General Meeting the Picfair Village Community Association stakeholders voted against support of mansionization in an unanimous vote. Here is information from PICONC that we thought was valuable to our stake holders.