Hello Picfair Village Neighbors! As your board for the Picfair Village Neighborhood Association, we have decided to take a brief survey of your thoughts on a few items that we will be discussing at next week’s meeting. (Monday February 10th,
P.I.C.O. NC meeting Updates on 5550 W. Pico (Curson)
We hope that you’ll attend this meeting concerning the property at Pico and Curson. There are some possible environmental issues. We want to make sure the health and safety of current and future residents are everyone’s top priority.
Special Appeal Hearing – Thursday, Oct 25
PLEASE SAVE THE DATE AND HELP SPREAD THE WORD! The Special Appeal Hearing for the 5 story development being proposed at 1546 – 1550 S. Orange Grove Avenue is quickly approaching. This proposed Transit Oriented Community (T.O.C.) development is 55 feet
SAVE THE DATE – PVNA Special Meeting: Aug 26, 2018
Hello Neighbors! The PVNA Board has called a special meeting to discuss the proposed residential development at 1546 – 1550 S. Orange Grove. The goal of the meeting is to inform the neighborhood about the development and our neighbors’ response
P.I.C.O. NC Hosts Land Use Forum April 21
PI.C.O. Neighborhood Council is hosting a Land Use Forum April 21. Come and listen, learn and have a dialog with City of Los Angeles experts and your Neighborhood and City Council Representatives. RSVP’s requested but not required. landuse@piconc.com
New R1 Zone For Picfair Village
The following statement was sent out on March 16, 2017 from Planning Conservation: On Friday, March 17, 2017 the following Neighborhood Conservation Initiatives will go into effect: Baseline Mansionization/Baseline Hillside Ordinance Code Amendment (CF 14-0656) that modifies Single-Family Zones (RA,
Tuesday, Oct 25th 7pm Meeting Re: Proposed Project on Pico
Tuesday, October 25 7:00pm Claude Pepper Senior Center, 1762 S La Cienega The proposed project is at 5835 and 5839 W Pico Blvd, 1355 S Orange Grove. Project Details: www.takacsarchitecture.com/pico-orange-grove/ 4-story, 28-unit mixed use project (3 units for very low
Important AUGUST 29th Zoning Hearing for PV to Permanently Halt Mansionization
Mark your calendar for Aug.29th as the City will hold a public hearing to decide new zoning for R1 Picfair Village. Your voice counts!
8.10.16 Public Hearing Notice – Pico Development
Please click the link here for more information regarding the Public Hearing on Wednesday. Flyerre6116-6144PicoBlvdAug10Hearing For more information you can read an email sent by Neighbors United here: 8.10.16 Mixed Use Hearing Email