April 8, 2019
Picfair Village Neighborhood Association General Meeting

Kick-off by PVNA president, Michael Plante

Public Comments:

  • Chris Burton – Informed and urged us to attend:  CAT, Community + Art + Talk, an event presented by Art Active and Pico NC.  May 11th, 11am-2pm.  A collaborate art project/experience followed by a professionally led discussion on inclusion and belonging during this time of deepening tribalism.
  • Chris also shared that he hosts “Mindfulness Mondays” on Mondays from 7-7:30PM at Brainworks – 5364 W Pico Blvd.
  • Hydee Feldstein discussed state senate bills 4 and 50:
  • SB50 – results in zero zoning rules within ½ mile of a transit stop or ‘jobs rich area”, does not define bus corridors.  Jobs-rich area definition is vague.
  • Opposition is due by April 17
  • Meeting regarding this on April 30 – 7:30 pm at Temple Beth Am Synagogue – 1039 S La Cienega Blvd.

Update from Treasurer – Valerie Woodson

  • As of March 31, 2019, PVNA has funds of $969.14.
  • Mentioned that some of this money would be used for updating meeting notice signs.

Parking:  resident concerns

  • Concern voiced over gardening/landscaping business company trucks parking on 1500 block of Curson.  Have been up to 6 trucks parked.  Legality of this parking?  Noticed that the business logo/phone # info on sides of trucks have been covered up while parked.
  • Advised that Western Parking Enforcement can mark the business trucks.
  • Question on 1800 block of Genesee getting preferential parking – heavy traffic from 18th and Fairfax, DOT survey?
  • Concern on camper parking along Venice.
  • Liz Carlin – deputy for Herb Wesson’s office answered some questions:
  • Regarding campers/vans – it is legal to live in these vehicles based on the homelessness issue in LA.  They have to obey posted street signs.
  • In order to change parking rules, 75% of the residents of the block(s) affected need to approve.  The 75% do not need to be owners, just residents.   If owner lives off-site, their tenant would be the signature needed.
  • For permit parking to be adopted, need to be in 6 block or more segments.
  • Average of 3 year wait for preferential/permit parking applications.  This process requires gathering signatures.
  • Apartment residents (renters) and single family home owners can buy parking permits for the preferential parking blocks they live on.
  • Question on whether an existing preferential parking area could be expanded and if that would speed the application process – example of 1400 block.
  • A neighbor who could not attend the meeting had a general comment that permit parking is not good.  No elaboration given.
  • Concern voiced over RV explosion near the Kaiser Permanente (outside of Picfair Village) and safety of these vehicles.
  • There are new signs posted by the DOT on parts of Venice stating no vehicles over 22 feet allowed to park.
  • Concern raised about residents walking dogs off-leash.   Response that one can call Animal Services or LAPD
  • Animal Services does not provide free signs regarding municipal codes regarding leash laws.
  • Concern was raised about large construction projects and if these could be better communicated to neighbors in advance.  “Respectful Neighborship”
  • Call out that there is still a 30% tax credit to install solar.
  • Question on if there was any update regarding adding a stop sign at the corner of Ellsmere and Saturn.  A neighbor from previous meeting had asked how to go about requesting one from the city.  No update.
  • Concern raised over a notice of more homeless people in the area.
  • Question on measure HHH and how are those funds being directed to help the homelessness issue.  Bridge housing projects?
  • Recommendation that neighbors reach out to their government representatives demanding they address the homelessness problem.
  • Concern raised over Air BnB’s  / VRBO’s in the neighborhood.
  • ADU’s (accessory dwelling unit) cannot be used for Air BnB’s or VRBO’s.

Events coming up:

  • Lookin’ Good – Feelin’ Better, pop-up clinic Saturday April 13th 11am-3pm 3717 S La Brea. (Free STI/HIV testing and outreach)
  • Taste of Soul Family Festival – $500 Taste of Soul scholarships – Bakewell Media’s Taste of Soul is awarding $20-$500 scholarships to select high school students.    If interested, please apply at tasteofsoul.org/scholarship
  • St Elmo Village – 50th anniversary celebration, May 25 & 26th (memorial day weekend), 4830 St Elmo Drive.

Reminder to attend the update from CERT on disaster preparedness.  Meeting on April 27th at 9:30am.  Location to be announced. 

Call to bring neighbors and increase turnout and involvement in future PVNA meetings.


Meeting adjourned.

PVNA Minutes: Apr 8