PVCA Neighborhood Meeting
September 21, 2016
SGI Friendship Center

I. Welcome by Tia Hughes, President
II. Sr Lead Officer Adam Green
a. Prefers Wednesday night meetings and is able to attend, unlike Saturday morning meetings which are on his days off
b. Crime update for our neighborhood in past 4 weeks: 1 vehicle burglary; 1 theft
c. Question asked re marijuana and liquor stores on Spaulding – shouldn’t they provide security?
i. LAPD doesn’t handle anything to do with these stores; the city does
ii. LAPD doesn’t enforce the municipal codes that govern these stores
iii. ABC handles enforcement
d. Question asked re stabbing at Carmona and Pico
i. Stabbing took place at Pico and Hauser; victim ran towards liquor store
e. Question about to contact to complain about loitering at liquor stores
i. People have to be drinking or smoking marijuana on site in order for LAPD to cite them; people need to be in violation of actual laws
f. Question asked re speeding, especially at Genesee Ave and 18th
i. Call the traffic division to request a traffic officer
g. Question asked about definition of loitering
i. Drinking, gambling, gang activity, doing obvious things against city ordinances
ii. It is not simply hanging out on a sidewalk
h. Question asked re traffic number for traffic office
i. 213-473-0222
i. Question asked about who to call when not calling 911
i. Wilshire Division doesn’t always have a desk officer available to answer the phones, priority is given to people waiting in line at the station
ii. Best number to call is 877-ASK-LAPD
iii. They can broadcast a communication to officers in the area who can then assist as needed
iv. Please do NOT call Officer Green’s cell phone when you need police present; best to call 877-ASK-LAPD or 911 if it is an emergency
j. Question asked re trailers on Venice Blvd
i. Several complaints received from our NC as well as the Pico NC
ii. Getting worse because homeless number are up over all
iii. Being homeless is not a crime; it is legal to live in your vehicle
iv. LA DOT can cite for those staying in one place longer than 72 hours
v. Parking restriction signs, requested by majority of stakeholders could address the issue
k. Question asked regarding trailer in front of Vons
i. Need to call Dot to get them out
ii. If you don’t get the action you want call back and ask for a supervisor
l. Statement saying LA DOT says they cannot do anything regarding the trailers
i. Suggested to get someone from LA DOT to attend one of our meetings
ii. Tia interjected that they were invited but declined to attend; said she needs to get a letter from LAPD regarding issue so they can address it
iii. LAPD doesn’t write letters, but Green happy to help facilitate conversation with Neighborhood prosecutor
m. Question asked if Board has met with Public Storage
i. Public Storage has not agreed to meet; they claim the issue is a city problem
ii. Green suggests contacting bulky item pick up to clean the sidewalks
iii. Monique interjected the City Attorney is aware of the issue; they will help get “No Dumping” signs and suggested starting a petition to get “No Parking” signs for Venice Blvd
III. Liz Carlin, CD 10 Update
a. Anti mansionization is on track; watch for city wide planning commission meeting; stakeholders need to attend
b. Encourages stakeholders to send emails voting “yay” or “nay” for the new ordinance, they are keeping count
c. Council President Wesson signed to have trash cans on Pico emptied twice/week; if you see overflow please email Liz
d. Pico NC outreach – submitting clean streets grant; neighbors will be asked to come out for a street clean up on October and November
e. 311 ap is great, diligent when graffiti removal is needed; gets neighbors involved
f. Liz/Council Office will support the ongoing efforts with Public Storage as best they can; “No Dumping” signs are needed, need adjacent properties to agree on how they want to move forward, need one collective voice
IV. Sylvester, Pico NC Rep
a. Working on clean streets grant, Tia will be the contact
b. Land Use Committee is busy learning about new projects, supporting some, opposing others; they do not give opinions on commercial properties
c. Jerry’s Garden on Pico has been updated to be a 100-unit mixed use development
d. Check out NextDoor.com for their meeting agendas and further information
V. Debbie, update on zoning and public hearing
a. New zoning is coming for R1 properties
i. Must keep mass in back when adding 2nd storey to maintain character of neighborhood
ii. RG (rear garage) will be upheld to maintain a buffer between properties
iii. Contact Debbie if you have any questions and/or can provide support (send emails) at upcoming hearings and meetings
b. Marijuana shops are still a concern and stakeholders need to speak collectively to make a larger impact on the council office
i. Illegal shops are slowly going away
ii. We have the power of “quality of life” and need to use that phrase to keep at the issues
iii. Jeff will spearhead a campaign, like the one against the marijuana shops, against the liquor stores, with Debbie’s guidance
VI. Nancy, Pico Great Streets Update
a. Effort started by Mayor Garcetti two years ago
b. Covers Pico Blvd, from Fairfax to Cochran
c. Grant will be submitted in November
d. Always looking for more talent to work on the cause, specifically fund raisers
e. Next meeting is October 13, location TBD
f. Please take survey available on FB group as well as NextDoor to help steer committee
g. Neighborhood clean updates are October 8, 15, 22, and November 5
VII. Valerie Woodson, Treasury Update
a. New balance
b. Reimbursement for Joe Carrabba
c. Looking into switching banks to move from Wells Fargo due to monthly maintenance fees and other issues
VIII. Tia, Presidential Update
a. Majority of folks know about meetings thanks to email, zero from our website
b. Suggested that we put web address on our signs
IX. General Updates
a. Pumpkin Race will be Sunday, October 30
i. Please look at ND and FB to find out how to donate
ii. Still looking for volunteers to help out, contact John and Debbie
b. Tia will look into creating a Traffic Committee
c. Stakeholder Nancy suggested all gardening take place on one day of the week to limit the effects of multiple blowers in the neighborhood
d. Tia will be the point person for the Clean Street Challenge, coordinate with Sylvester
e. John welcomed the new residents at the meeting
X. Joe Carrabba, Bylaws Update
a. Have met twice, will likely take two more sessions
b. All changes will be presented at the same time and voted on at the following meeting
XI. Valerie Woodson, Tree Committee Update
a. Informative email blast is coming in next few weeks
b. Please take the survey in the email to help steer the committee
XII. Tia Hughes, Special Events Update
a. Social gathering will likely be towards the end of February
b. Likely to be a neighborhood pot luck
c. Looking for additional volunteers
XIII. Closing
a. Please pick up neighborhood signs
b. Please sign up for any committees that are of interest

9.21.16 PVCA Neighborhood Meeting – Minutes